Hire Calling

What Makes a Good Candidate Experience

Pete Newsome Episode 66

Ready to revolutionize your hiring process and cultivate an exceptional candidate experience? 

Then this episode of the Hire Calling Podcast is for you! Join Pete Newsome and Ricky Baez, as they break down the anatomy of a memorable candidate experience from the first interaction to feedback collection. Learn how to make every step count, leverage your organization's website, and set clear expectations to define your brand. They will also guide you on how to turn the interview process into a clear, concise journey that leaves a positive impact on each candidate.

But they don't stop there. They dig deeper into the realm of candidate experience, honing in on the importance of regular communication, simplicity in the application process, and giving candidates the attention they deserve. They share why delivering unfavorable news early can prevent misunderstandings and the vital role feedback plays when candidates aren't chosen. You'll learn about the power of asking for and responding to feedback - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Get ready to see the hiring process from the candidate's lens and use their insights to improve continually. It's an episode packed with eye-openers and actionable tips - a must-listen for those seeking to transform their hiring practice.

Pete Newsome:

You're listening to The Hire Calling Podcast, your source for all things hiring, staffing and recruiting. I'm Pete Newsome, joined once again today by Ricky Baez. Ricky, how are you?

Ricky Baez:

Pete, I am energetic and excited. I can tell I love it. I had coffee like four cups, so I am. Yeah, I'm going to crash this afternoon, all right.

Pete Newsome:

But we get the benefit of what it's doing for you in the meantime. So we'll take it and then let your wife and son worry about how you are.

Ricky Baez:

That's right.

Pete Newsome:

That's their problem later on. Exactly, exactly. But in the meantime we're going to focus on what makes a good candidate experience, or I dare say, a great candidate experience. That's something you know a little bit about, right.

Ricky Baez:

That is something that's near and dear to my heart and I'm very passionate about. I'm trying to contain my excitement with the amount of caffeine I have right now. Don't, don't hold back, let it fly, got it? I love this topic because we get to bog down. We as an organization, we get to bog down at finding the candidate, putting the processes in place and not enough time, and focusing and giving them that great candidate experience. So I think that is a small arm of branding that is an important piece of organization really need to pay attention to.

Pete Newsome:

Well, we know that for every candidate who's hired, it's going to be a lot of candidates that aren't, so that is as important a part of this as anything else. So let's just let's just talk about what a candidate experience is. How would you define it?

Ricky Baez:

How would I define a candidate experience? Well, I mean, I hate to use the word to define it, but it is what you know, what is. It's what the candidate goes through. That gives the candidate Maybe the employer doesn't realize that gives the candidate the same type of information that you, as an employer, get from the candidate in the interview process. That that first step, that first step in building that foundation with that candidate, is crucial, because if you don't build it right, that candidate may make up their mind about jumping ship to come to you before you even thinking about making an offer to them.

Pete Newsome:

Well, I think I think you're correct, right that every interaction you have matters, and to me, the candidate experience is defined in the eyes of the candidate, right?

Pete Newsome:

It is their perception of how those interactions go. And so the main thing for me with all of this is you have to be conscious of that going in, you have to commit to being conscious of it, and if you are and you do that, then odds are it's going to be a great experience. If you're not, well, probably the opposite. So that's to me why it's so important, because if you're not thinking about it, it's easy to quickly forget about the candidates who aren't at the top of your list, and that's a common complaint about recruiters. We all know that that they're not as communicative as candidates would like, they're not responsive, and it's always the candidates who aren't at the top of the list, right, it's easy to like the most attractive candidate in the room, right, we know that that's who gets the attention, but that's not how your reputation is going to be built. That is not what's going to leave a great, lasting impression. So you've got to think about all of this in advance.

Ricky Baez:

And Pete, here's how I look at it. If you are an organization, in your interview in five candidates for one position, five for one. At the end of that process, here's what you're going to you no longer have five candidates, you have one employee and four marketing campaigns. That's right, that's what you have, and you got to make sure your marketing campaigns has the right tools to tell the story to other people you want them to know about your organization. Do not skip on the people who don't get the job. They're going to talk about you.

Pete Newsome:

Or you have four glass door reviews you don't want.

Ricky Baez:


Pete Newsome:

Which is which is which is real. We know that happens and when it comes to those those kind of reviews or conversations that people will have, it's never the ones in the middle, right, it's the ones that have the best experiences or the worst. Those are what your, your marketing is going to be really good or really bad. No one's ever reviews. Yeah, it does review and say it was okay, it was just as I expected. Yeah, it's not filled with a lot of marginal reviews. Right, it's fives or ones for the most part, which is it's human nature. So, but we can control it, right, that's the good news. Um, like, like so many things in life, you can control what you pay attention to. So let's start at the top. What are the things that make a good candidate experience? Let's list them out, or do you want to clear?

Ricky Baez:

Communication from the very, very beginning. Pete, to me, recruiting and onboarding go hand in hand, and I just did an onboarding class a couple of weeks ago and the first question I asked is when does onboarding start? And people say, oh, with the offer letter. Is what they accept? No, it starts as soon as they apply for the job. And as soon as they apply for the job, you got to start telling your story clear and frequent communication of what the candidate is going to respect. The more they know about your interview process, the less likely they're going to ghost you, because they know what to expect. Right, and there's a little attachment to it. If they see you as just a number, is easy to drop that number off and go to the next interview.

Pete Newsome:

That's exactly right and you know. Start with your leverage your website, put the information out there for the candidates and you mentioned in the interview process. Make it clear, set a tone and an expectation being in staffing. We ask all the time. We encounter every type of process that exists, from one phone interview, you know, in an offer, to multiple interviews and panels, and very complex, drawn out processes. We like the former better than the latter, for the record, everyone does, but the most important thing is to know, and if we don't know, then we can't prepare the candidate for it. So that is something that staffing companies learn very quickly, but I don't know that organizations always think about that, and even though they should, you have to prepare the candidate from all the way to the finish line, right, and so then there's no need to apologize, there's no confusion, and so that setting the tone right from the start is huge.

Ricky Baez:

There's the best way to put it. When you get into your car, you go in somewhere you don't know, you go to your GPS, you put it, you punch the information of the GPS and you follow it. You have to be the candidate's GPS and let them know what they're going to expect. One interview, two interviews, three interviews Pete, I once went through five interviews. It was annoying, it wasted my time and I would have been upset if I didn't get that job. But I know three other candidates went through five interviews and they didn't get the job Right.

Pete Newsome:


Pete Newsome:

Those are the ones who do get upset, right, it's, no one likes to go to an interview and not have an offer. We know that. But odds are, it's going to happen to everyone throughout their career, probably multiple times. That's the deal. But the sooner you can let a candidate know that they're not in consideration, the better. So try to avoid those long interview processes. Every situation is different. That's a topic for a different podcast and probably one that we should do to talk about that in detail. But let's just keep this concise and say the shorter your interview process, the better the candidate experience is going to be. Right, that's. I don't think anyone would dispute that. But we know that organizations don't think about that as much as they should.

Ricky Baez:

They don't. Because I guess the old mentality is you should just be happy that you're interviewing. I mean, yes, that's true, but right now, don't give people the illusion that they have options. Make your process so valuable. They don't look anywhere else. So, yes, let's keep it concise, because, although you don't want your time wasted, that street has a two-way street they don't want their time wasted as well, especially the top caliber people. The top caliber people are not going to have the patience for a loose process. Why? Because they know they have an option to go somewhere else. Way better that the process is tightened up. Yeah, so it's also how concise, how well oiled your process is is going to attract the type of candidate you want to employ.

Pete Newsome:

Absolutely. And look, you build relationships through this process and the goal is to build ones that leave a good, lasting impregnation, as you said earlier, not just for the marketing aspect of it. But you may want to hire your second choice at some point, your third choice, if your first option doesn't accept. I was just playing pickleball last night, if you can believe that. My newfound hobby, pickleballs, your newfound hobby, yeah, and one of the guys I was playing with happened to just make an offer to a candidate today or yesterday and said that the candidate asked for 60 days before they could start. And it was such an interesting conversation because I thought, wow, boy, that's a great way to have things fall apart at the end. So they've been through all of this and now the candidate springs this. So I'll tell you there's an expectation that the candidates need to be consistent with delivering that information up front. But you want to build these reputations or these relationships as you go. So no one's surprised, right? I mean, that is that's something.

Ricky Baez:

I'm surprised right now Somebody asked for two months.

Pete Newsome:

Two months before I can start and we know that time kills deals. But as you're building these relationships, you want to understand the candidate's personal situation and motivations and drivers. That's a huge part of it. So you're on the same page, because we really want it to be a everyone needs to be happy at the end with the good, and that's the goal.

Ricky Baez:

So Well, I was going to say can I calibrate on something? Because I want to make sure the audience understands what we're seeing right For the people who are out there listening from a candidate's perspective. The reason we're saying that? Because, pete, they're probably thinking that's not unreasonable. I want time to make sure that I'm making the right choice. From an employer's perspective, that's 60 days without a position there where they're losing money. So if you're thinking about this from a candidate perspective, thinking that's not unreasonable, it is kind of unreasonable because we as an organization we are losing money for every minute that position is not there making money. And to ask for eight weeks of time, that's just eight weeks of unproductivity that the organization is just may not tolerate. I'm sorry I don't have any organization that'll say yes to that.

Pete Newsome:

Well, I won't. I won't name names, but this organization wasn't having it. I'll say Got it so but. But. But there's expectations and I'll I'll say, obligations on both sides of this. So if you go into the interview as a candidate, I think you should assume Now I'm going to, I'm going to change that you should don't try not to assume anything on either side. And in Once again, being in staffing, we know what questions need to be asked, because our goal is to make a match and a connection that is going to last. Every staffing company should operate that way, so we know the pitfalls, and time of the thing stretching out is one of those. So of course, we encourage our clients to shorten their interview process and be concise with it, but the main thing is again to know same thing with the candidates Do you have vacations planned?

Pete Newsome:

Are there any reasons that you won't be available for the foreseeable future or through that interview process? Because if we've already done our job on the front end, we know how long it's going to take, we know what the plan is, we match that with the candidate and sometimes often in fact you could have the best candidate on the market potentially. But if they're not aligned with the availability for interviews and the timing, it's not going to work. So the more you know up front, the better. I could talk all day about that because it's such a critical part of the recruiting process, but for this purpose, be concise, communicate it and get everyone on the same page, Alright so now for improving the candidate experience in the recruitment process.

Ricky Baez:

Pete, have you ever read a job description that was like eight pages long?

Pete Newsome:

No, because nobody would.

Ricky Baez:

Well, I read it because I'm like what about this? I'm still looking for something to say wow, this was worth it. Folks, if you really want, if you really want to attract people, please do not copy and paste a job description in the ad. Don't do it, because what you're doing there is think about it. If you're going down an Isle of Public, app at a public, so you want to buy macaroni and cheese, but you see the box of macaroni and cheese, all you have is listed as ingredients Some of the words you're not going to understand, right, you're not going to buy it.

Ricky Baez:

But if you see the picture of a nice bowl of creamy gold and mac and cheese, you're going to buy that. Right, the ingredients. It's your job description. The picture is your ad that you put out there. You've got to make that ad enticing and you got to make that ad something that compels the candidate to apply, tell a story behind it and make the process easy. Pete, I cannot tell you, when I was interviewing back in the day, how many times I was asked to submit a resume and then I had to turn back around, spend 40 minutes filling all the information over again. Right, I stopped. I'm like I'm not going to put up with this and go somewhere else.

Pete Newsome:

Yeah you have to put up with that at your doctor's office. You don't have to put up with that as a candidate. I like that.

Ricky Baez:

You're not giving me a colonoscopy today. I just want an interview. I'm not going to put this in there Exactly.

Pete Newsome:

So, yeah, simplify it. There's just because software systems and applicant tracking systems now that exist and all these tools, just because you can do it doesn't mean you should Got that right. And so, if you're thinking about the candidates experience and put yourself in their shoes, I mean that's the easiest way to do it. What would you want to go through? Would you want to be, you know, accountable for filling out all that information more than once? No, of course not. No one likes that. We all know what it feels like to have entered 10 things on a phone and then have the rep pick up live and ask you for the same information, right when you call your bank or a good one, right?

Pete Newsome:

Yeah, it's the worst right. So don't do that with candidates. Make it easy for them, make it easy to apply, communicate early and often in the process, and give them your attention along the way. So that's the next thing that I think we should talk about, because Candidates are going to decide whether to take a job not just based on compensation or what the work is or the title. They're going to decide based on how they feel about the opportunity, and if they don't feel that they're important, they're not going to move forward, and so you have to give them your attention and focus throughout this process and let them know that they're valuable Folks.

Ricky Baez:

This is I hate to put it this way. This is a relationship you go and eat harmony I'm not even going to say Tinder, but you go and eat harmony and all these other places. Right, we're planning a fish where you want to find that, that, that spouse, that significant other. You've got to do your best to communicate with them. Let them know why this is a good idea, right? So same thing here. If you, as an organization, are not constantly communicating with the candidates, somebody else will. And when somebody else will, then they leave. And then you're wondering why they didn't finish the process? Because of lack of communication, lack of engagement, and the more engaged a candidate is in the process, the more likely they're going to see it through the end. Absolutely, that's a fact.

Pete Newsome:

Yeah, and, like you said, it's earlier, it's a. You never know when the candidates going to come back to you. It's a round world. So if they're not your choice, tell them as soon as you know. People don't like delivering bad news. It's human nature. We all know that no one likes to. I I. There's nothing worse for me in in as a staffing professional than having to terminate a candidate who doesn't deserve it. Right and and for budget changes or organizational shifts, whatever it might be. It's an inherent part of the job. We all know that's what we signed up for. I've been doing this for a long time and guess what? It never gets easier. Never, it never gets easier. You have to do it. But it's awful. But do it because the sooner you do it, the better it is for everyone. You'll feel better as an individual who had to make that call, but you'll leave the right impression. Bad news early is good news, absolutely it always is from you.

Ricky Baez:

I got that from you.

Pete Newsome:

I use that every day, no one else. It was smarter.

Ricky Baez:

Early is good news. It's, it's true, because the more you leave them hanging folks, the more different ideas go in their head and the ideas are going to be negative. Remember, they're going to talk about you over dinner. How they talk about you, it's exactly up to you and how you create this experience.

Pete Newsome:

And yeah, and I'll go even once up further If you're going to keep, if you're going to tell them you'll keep them in mind for future openings. Actually keep them in mind for future openings. Have a system for that. Make sure you do it. But don't say it if you don't mean it. It's okay, right, people need. It's the information they need to hear, even though it's what they don't want to hear. We're not a good fit for the this organization. If you're never going to be, tell someone why. Right, do them a favor, help them improve.

Pete Newsome:

There are things that happen in an interview that will prevent a candidate from ever getting hired by an organization, or at least while those individuals are still there. I mean I we don't need to go into specific examples right now, but it happens, right, people don't always perform well in an interview. It's okay, good, thank you, wonderful. If you don't want to be left wondering. If you don't have to either, and because if you don't know why you burned any chance of ever being successful with that company, you can't improve for the next one. Now, that's tough. It is not for everyone to do and not every situation is appropriate to do it in. But, where possible, give candidates feedback, do it as quickly as you can if they're not going to be your selection, and then move on, because as the interviewer you may end up somewhere else one day. You may be in it.

Pete Newsome:

It is a round world. I could give lots of examples.

Ricky Baez:

I'm glad you're not saying flat, I'm okay. As long as you're not saying flat, I'm okay. There are people, but you know what? But let me say this above I got an above and beyond for that, because one of the things I like to do with my clients when I'm helping them out with this is look, give them feedback, but send them some kind of a consolation price right Flowers, edible arrangements, something. Put that in your budget. Think about what that does to the psyche of the person who didn't get the job. Think about how motivated that person is gonna be for the next opportunity they get, because they're gonna tell everybody look at how they treated me and I didn't get the job. Could you imagine if I got it? What story does that say about you? So think about that. And before people say that costs a lot of money marketing dollars, papa, that's all. It is right Not shut up to marketing dollars, because you want as many people out there who didn't get the job to talk as positive as possible about the experience.

Pete Newsome:

Well, and yeah, you know you're serious when your Puerto Rican comes out, Rick, yeah that's right how we know, but Because I busted out the papa, that's right, but we do have to acknowledge it, that's not always practically.

Ricky Baez:

Can't send everyone flowers as much as you'd like.

Pete Newsome:

But you can send them a survey, you can ask for their input, you can ask for their feedback, and I know you're a big fan of surveys, so why don't you talk about that for a second?

Ricky Baez:

No, yes, but send them a survey. But never send the survey blind, right? Because if you send the survey without talking it up, you're gonna get a lot of negative responses because the people are still reeling from the fact they didn't get the job right. But if you call them and something I wanted to add, Pete, as soon as you give them a call, because, remember, the person doesn't know they didn't get the job. So when they get that call from you, right, Saying hey, they're gonna think, oh my God, I got it.

Ricky Baez:

Communicate early in the conversation. Hey, we selected somebody else. And here's an important part the decision has already been made. I would like to give you some feedback. But, folks, if you don't say the decision has already been made, the candidate is gonna start thinking about wait, I missed this, I missed that. I still have a shot. They don't. This is not to negotiate. This is just solely to give you feedback and ask them first. If they say, yeah, go for it, Then send that survey. You will get more accurate responses if you prime that survey with that conversation.

Pete Newsome:

Yeah, ask them for their opinion and you can see it directly or you can see it on Glassdoor later.

Ricky Baez:

I like that right. Either you see it by your own hand or you'll see what everybody else sees without your hand involved.

Pete Newsome:

And we do see it publicly on job boards and you see it, people who have a bad experience want to vent. They want to be heard and I expect and believe that in many cases, if they had an opportunity to vent directly to an organization, they would take that versus being public with it, especially if the organization cared enough to take that feedback to heart and do something about it. Now I know as a staff and company owner that there are times that our candidates have a lesson, ideal interaction with one of our recruiters. Just the law of numbers dictate that, right. Yeah, that's true. We put as many protections in place and training and our process to avoid that at all costs, right, but we're talking thousands of candidates a month that we interact with. So perception is reality. So whether they should have a bad impression or not is irrelevant, but we know that happens and every once in a while I'll get a message from someone and I genuinely appreciate it. Now we get lots of. We get a lot more positive reviews significantly than we do negative ones, thank goodness, right, but I value the negative ones just as much. If someone comes to us and says I don't appreciate the way this happened, I didn't like this Now, maybe something that we had no control over with our clients. But guess what I still want to know, because I take that feedback to our clients and that's usually how it happens. Again, thank goodness it's not a complaint with us.

Pete Newsome:

I didn't get feedback. I was waiting, I had to wait too long and because in almost every case I'll tell you, what people have an issue with is when no one is communicating with them. That's right. It's never feedback like recruiter A was rude to me or disingenuous or whatever it might be. It's always I didn't hear. I was left hanging. And if you look at the complaint on recruiters as a whole, that's it right. They don't get back to me. So if you go in the opposite direction and you approach a candidate who wasn't selected and said, not only am I getting back to you, but I want to know what we could have done better on your behalf, they're going to appreciate it in a way that will set you apart from everyone else. I like that.

Ricky Baez:

I like that. That's a great way to prime it. I wasn't even thinking about that right. Even have that communication, then say, hey, you're gonna get a survey, right? Please let me know how we could have served you better. I'm going to start doing that, pete. I'm going to steal that from you. Well, it's, it's You're doing that.

Pete Newsome:

You're not going to get it if you don't ask for it. That's what I mean. You might, but you'll you do. I don't know of an organization who wouldn't want to improve, and I don't know of an organization, whether it's Apple or or Amazon, the most successful organizations out there I have I have. I'm sure that they still would like to improve and get better.

Ricky Baez:


Pete Newsome:

So no one ever sits back and says we're good enough. So if you want the feedback and you'll actually use it ask for it, use a survey. We'll put some. We could go through a list of questions here. I'd rather just put them in the show notes, and so we'll. We'll do that, and so hit the link. That will, that will add, and you can see that some questions there will recommend what you should put in your survey. So, ricky, let's, let's, let's, let's not Belabor this too much. But what else do you have, anything else for wrap up that you think could build a positive candidate experience? What would you? What?

Ricky Baez:

would you want to. At the end of the day, it's what I want. I'm not going to give any little tiny. I'm just going to give an idea Right At the end of the day. Put yourself in the mindset. Put yourself in the mindset on what your ideal candidate would want, what your ideal candidate would expect. Forget the idea of people should be happy that they're interviewing. That doesn't exist anymore. People have options and if you want to attract your top tier candidates, you have to build the process in a way that attracts a top tier candidate and what they would or would not support. So all I'm saying is put your mind in the person you're trying to attract and build the process surrounding that. That's never, ever going to steer you wrong. Just do your own.

Pete Newsome:

Absolutely. There's two things that I want to add before we wrap. One is to if you, if you're, in a high volume situation. So there's different kinds of recruiting. There's the high level recruiting, where you need to find one candidate who's very in a very niche role, so you're not going to be speaking and interacting with with too many people in that situation. But then there's the opposite, where you may hire for a class of 20 plus people in a training where your candidate pool could be massive and you may have thousands of candidates.

Pete Newsome:

So take advantage of technology if you need to. I mean, that is a big change from from when I started in the dark ages, ricky, where we didn't have automated tools, but now they're. They're prevalent, they're not overly expensive. So if you were in high volume recruiting, take advantage of that, because, look it's, I get it because I live it. You can't hold everyone's hand the way you want to. You can't have personal interactions with thousands of candidates if you have a small recruiting team. It's not realistic. So shame on you if you don't take advantage of technology to reach out directly, because, as we've, I think, established very well, at this point the worst thing you can do is not communicate and so give, give people that. And then the last thing I want to say is measure yourself, hold yourself accountable, make sure that you leverage technology and tools for that as well. Are you, have you responded to everyone? How quickly are you responding to everyone? Those are things that you should. You should measure and then manage to it, and and not cut any corns.

Ricky Baez:

That's right, you said it best. I think if people, if people start the process like that, they're going to have a great, great pool of candidates to choose from and great marketing campaigns.

Pete Newsome:

Can't forget that piece Absolutely there's. There's nothing better than a mouth yeah. Then then starting a new search and already knowing who your candidate pool is, who you can look to recruit because they're candidates you interacted with in the past. And if, as a recruiter, I can tell you that there is absolutely nothing better than to say well, I'm going to fill this job quickly and easily because I already have candidates in mind from the last time. And that is up to you and your actions.

Pete Newsome:

If you treat all of your candidates the right way, coming in, you'll, you'll be able to build that pipeline in that, in that, in that base to draw from the next time. And if you don't, well, recruiting is going to be a constant uphill battle for you. You're always starting from scratch because you haven't built relationships along the way and everyone knows that no one. If I think of my candidate interactions over the years, as we say it already, most are not going to get hired, most applicants aren't going to get hired. Most candidates you call and recruit and source aren't going to get hired. But you can have a lot of good relationships at last if you just treat them the right way and plan for it, that's right, it's.

Ricky Baez:

And, by the way, for everybody listening eight and I'm sorry, pete, you don't know this, I'm going to throw this out there HR Florida is coming up here in in Florida, for those of you listening, in Florida, it's a huge HR conference at the end of August. I'm speaking there and I'm going to speak about this, this very thing how to revamp your candidate experience to attract the best and the brightest in the future and keep them in the future. Right, perfect. This is what we're talking about right now. That's perfect.

Pete Newsome:

We're going to end that session Watch, all right, good, we will, we'll put. Ricky can get us that info and we'll put it in the show notes as well for that too, so everyone can come out to HR Florida.

Ricky Baez:

Roger, that Awesome. Thank you Appreciate that, Pete Well that's it for today.

Pete Newsome:

Thank you for joining us. Drive safe, have a great weekend and we'll talk soon.

Ricky Baez:

Candidate experience. Folks have a good one, all right, okay.